TERBO) 1886-1973
Nikola John Trbojevich (Nicholas J. Terbo) 1886-1973 |
Mathematician, inventor and perhaps the
best-known gear expert of the modern age of the automobile, Nikola
Trbojevich passed on December 2, 1973 at the age of 87 in Los
Angeles. Mr. Trbojevich, also known socially as Nicholas J. Terbo,
was the holder of 68 U.S. patents and a similar or greater number of
foreign patents. The cause of death was septicemia and
cardiovascular collapse. Surviving Mr. Trbojevich were his wife
Alice Sinclair Hood (1891-1977) and his son William H. Terbo.
Mr. Trbojevich was a nephew of the
great electrical genius Nikola Tesla “The Father of Alternating
Current.” He was the last survivor of a group of ten nephews and
nieces borne by Tesla’s three sisters. Both the Tesla and
Trbojevich families were of clerical backgrounds, priests in the
Serbian Orthodox Church. Tesla and Mr. Trbojevich were the only
members of the extended family to pursue technological careers and
the only ones to come to America.
Mr. Trbojevich’s most notable work
that brought him international recognition was the invention of the
Hypoid gear. First published in 1923, it was a new type of spiral
bevel gear employing previously unexploited mathematical techniques.
The Hypoid gear is used on the great majority of all cars, trucks and
military vehicles today. Together with his invention of the tools
and machines necessary for its manufacture, the Hypoid gear became an
integral part of the final drive mechanism of automobiles by 1931.
Its effect was immediately apparent in that the overall height of
rear-drive passenger automobiles was reduced by at least four inches.
Other inventions of Mr. Trbojevich are
in the fields of steering gears, worm gears, universal joints,
positive displacement liquid pumps, gauges, and gear cutting and
grinding machines. Many of these inventions found important
commercial and industrial use. His Gleason gear shaping machinery,
invented and produced in the late 1920s is in use to this day. His
reversible worm steering gear innovation was the first of its type to
allow a car’s steering mechanism to return to center after
completing a turn maneuver. His inventions for angular and linear
differential gauge block systems are in common use as measurement
masters in factories throughout the world. His final patent (1967),
for a nuclear reactor, was held in application form for many years
because of its defense sensitivity.
Nikola Trbojevich was born on May 21,
1886, in the town of Petrovoselo in the Austrian county of Lika in
the Austro-Hungarian province of Croatia (later Yugoslavia, now the
Republic of Croatia.) His father was the Very Reverend (Prota) Jovo
Trbojevich, at the time building a new Serbian Orthodox church in
Petrovoselo, later to assume the post held by his father Very
Reverend Danilo Trbojevich as Prota for the entire county of Lika
based at the Trbojevich ancestral home at Medak. His mother was
Angelina Tesla, eldest sister (by six years) of Nikola Tesla and
daughter of the Very Reverend Milutin Tesla of Smiljan and later at
Gospic, the county seat of Lika.
Nikola was the third of five children
with two older brothers and two younger sisters. As was expected,
the eldest son, Pero (church name Petronius), became a Serbian
Orthodox priest rising to the highest rank, Arhimandrit (Archbishop),
without offspring and breaking the family clerical connection with
Lika. The other siblings also became professionals with careers away
from the provincial county of Lika. The second son, Uros, became a
lawyer and senator, representing Vojvodine nearer to Belgrade, older
sister, Mica, became a medical doctor and director of the Woman’s
Hospital in Belgrade and younger sister, Marica, a teacher at the
upper school level.
After completing his primary schooling
in Lika, Mr. Trbojevich was sent to Budapest for eight years of
Gymnasium (middle and high school) continuing to the Royal Technical
University, graduating in 1911 with the degree of Diploma Engineer.
By the time young Nikola had arrived in Budapest, Tesla was a
world-known personality. Whether by design or natural ability there
were strong parallels in the professional careers of Mr. Trbojevich
and the uncle thirty years his senior.
After serving two years as an assistant
to the Chief Engineer of the Royal Hungarian Post Office telephone
department Mr. Trbojevich was offered a post as intern at the Western
Electric Company in Chicago with postgraduate courses at Northwestern
University. (His mother wrote very much as an older sister to her
younger brother, Nikola Tesla, “Please be good and pay strict
attention if you intend to do some good; help the boy in your firm.
I know this would be the best school for him. He would be happy and
at peace.”) He arrived in March 1914, but the position at Western
Electric lasted a very short time as the war in Europe began. His
Austrian citizenship interfered with the national security aspect of
the American telephone system and forced Mr. Trbojevich to change
direction toward the mathematics of gear design.
Mr. Trbojevich joined the Illinois Tool
Works as an engineer from 1915 through 1920 where he developed his
specialty of gear design and received his first U.S. Patent (issued
in 1920). As the principal consumer of gears is the automobile
industry, he moved to Detroit in 1921 and became an independent
inventor and consultant. The four patents that define the radical
design of the Hypoid gear (U.S. 1,647,157) and the method of forming
and cutting it (U.S. 1,465,149-1,465,151) were issued in 1923 and
1927. The reaction was exceptional. Several years were devoted to
inventing the dozens of design details for the Gleason machinery
necessary to cut the geometrical shapes of the gears. Nearly a dozen
patents were issued to Mr. Trbojevich to secure the Gleason
In 1921 Mr. Trbojevich married Alice
Hood of Evanston Illinois, the daughter of William Hood a commodities
dealer, investor and member of the Chicago Board of Trade. Miss Hood
had already established a business career in Chicago at the time.
When they settled in Detroit they anglicized the difficult Trbojevich
name to Terbo for social and her professional reasons. Of course,
Mr. Trbojevich’s name was already established in his profession and
was never changed. He received his U.S. citizenship in Detroit on
March 21, 1922. Their first son John (Jackie) was born in 1924
followed by William in 1930. Tragically, Jackie died in a fall in
1937. This was an unfortunate parallel to the Tesla family, who lost
Nikola’s older brother, Dane, in a fall at a similar age.
During the 1930s Mr. Trbojevich
concentrated on improvements in automotive steering mechanisms,
constant velocity universal joints and various implements to aid in
their manufacture, areas intimately associated with American car and
truck companies. Many of his improvements appeared on vehicles of
several of the major marques. He was issued about two-dozen patents
during the decade for novel equipment and concepts.
Mr. Trbojevich’s success and wide
reputation changed his relationship with Nikola Tesla from that of
uncle and nephew exchanging information of family matters to that of
colleagues. They wrote and visited regularly and commented and
assisted on some of the complicated technical problems they each
faced. (After Tesla’s death in 1943, Mr. Trbojevich cooperated
with his cousin, S.N. Kosanovich, another nephew of Tesla and after
the war Yugoslavia’s first ambassador to the United Nations, in
directing Tesla’s thousands of pieces of memorabilia to be placed
in a new museum in Belgrade.)
Although Mr. Trbojevich worked with a
number of major firms at that time, he retained his independent
status until World War II became imminent. His familiarity with
automotive drive systems and the specialized machinery necessary to
manufacture them made his talents appropriate for the conversion to
military vehicles.
After the war, he faced many of the
problems other inventors face: his own earlier patents were cited
against his new patents in his areas of expertise. This made a
decision to become a professor at the Lawrence Institute of
Technology in Detroit a more practical path. In 1960 Nicholas and
Alice Trbojevich (Terbo) retired to Los Angeles where their son
William was involved in the missile and space industry.
For more information contact:
William H. Terbo
21 Maddaket, Southwyck Village
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076
(732) 396-8852
Postscript: The lack of progeny in the
direct line following Nikola Tesla and his three sisters is
remarkable. The ten nephews and nieces mentioned above produced only
six of the next generation, five of which are descended through the
Trbojevich line. Of these six only William Terbo, son of Nikola, and
Jovan Trboyevic, son of Uros, survive to this date. I have often
commented that while most family trees are shaped like a Christmas
tree, Tesla’s family tree most resembles a telephone pole!
H. Terbo, Executive
Secretary, October 2005 |
TMSvy 070226 |