21 Maddaket, Southwyck Village
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076
Tesla Bust Program
Executive Board member John Wagner has been negotiating placement of Tesla busts at Americas most prominent Universities since the first bust was created in 1988. The busts are cast in bronze with black granite bases and bronze plaques. The bust image is that of a middle-aged Tesla about 90% life size. The plaque reads in part NIKOLA TESLA, 1856-1943, HIS NAME MARKS AN EPOCH. The bust and base weigh about 250 pounds. By necessity, the bust must be of the highest quality in both artistic representation and in material detail. Anything less would not be appropriate for presentation to the prestige institutions where they are displayed in honored settings. (A typical installation is that of Harvard. Located in the Physics Library of the Jefferson Physics Building, the bust and base are placed on a specially constructed shelf illuminated by a spotlight shining at all times.)
Each bust and base cost several thousand dollars. Some funds are raised through contributions, but most is generated through the sale of six-color Tesla T-shirts, thousands of them. The Society strongly invites correspondents to participate in the Tesla Bust Program either through donations or through the purchase of T-shirts. You can reach Mr. Wagner by surfing the web, by e-mail mailto:jwwagner@concentric.netjwwagner@concentric.net or by contacting the Society directly.