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The Tesla Memorial Society
21 Maddaket, Southwyck Village
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076
William H. Terbo
Executive Secretary
  Maria Godfors
Nikola Tesla: 1856 - 1943

An Open Letter to all correspondents to the Society:

by William H. Terbo, Executive Secretary

An open letter to all correspondents to the Society:

The Tesla Memorial Society, Inc., founded in 1979 and incorporated in 1980, is the oldest U.S. based international organization in continuous operation honoring and perpetuating the memory and ideals of the great electrical scientist and inventor, Nikola Tesla, the “Father of Alternating Current.”

The Tesla Memorial Society is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, all volunteer membership organization operating under Section 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. The Society does not employ professional fundraisers. The Society accepts donations, honoraria and other forms of support (tax deductible to the extent allowed by law) in meeting its objectives through support and participation in cultural activities, as a source of archival information and as a media resource through lecture and interview presentations. One hundred percent of funds are used in pursuit of Society charter objectives. No money is paid for personal services.

We welcome membership in the Society at the following annual levels: Individual, $25; Supporter, $100; Patron, $250; and Benefactor, $1000.

Please don’t think of your membership dues as a quid pro quo for the cost mailings. It is a donation to a very cost-effective organization that meets the same objectives that drew you to respect the work and ideals of Nikola Tesla.

The Society maintains an archive of over 1,000 items and has access to the Terbo/Trbojevich archive of nearly 10,000 items of Tesliana. These archives and the Society website teslamemorialsociety.org are an active resource for the promotion of Tesla’s memory and research.

The principal collection of Tesla documents and memorabilia is the Nikola Tesla Museum (Muzej Nikole Tesle), located in a beautiful pre-WWI 3-story mansion in downtown Belgrade. Over 150,000 items are contained in the Museum’s archives, including letters, awards, patents, photographs and press clippings, as well as hundreds of pieces of Tesla’s clothing and personal effects. The Society has had a continuing working relationship with the Museum and has made contributions over the years in money, material and memorabilia.

William H. Terbo, Executive Secretary


TMSvf (2005)

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